Announcement of 2017 CPST AGM: 20 November 2017

8th November, 2017



Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Crystal Palace Supporters’ Society Limited (trading as the Crystal Palace Supporters’ Trust) will be held on Monday 20th November 2017, commencing at 7.00pm. The venue is Speroni’s Lounge at Selhurst Park. All members are invited to attend.

We hope to have a guest from CPFC in attendance and further details will be announced shortly.

The following matters will be put to members at the Annual General Meeting.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the 2016 AGM and matters arising
3. The review of the Society’s revenue account and balance sheet of the previous financial year and the approval thereof (A summary of the accounts will be posted on our website. Hard copies will be available at the meeting)
4. Resolution: To approve an Independent Examination, if appropriate and subject to the Society’s Rules, instead of an audit of the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2018.
5. Chairman’s Report
6. Elections to the Society Board
7. Any Other Business

By order of the Society Board,
Lesley Palmer, Secretary 8 November 2017

RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL AT THE AGM (see item 4 on the agenda)
It is hereby resolved that subject to the provisions of Section 4A of the 1968 Friendly and Industrial and Provident Societies Act, the members of the Society shall not require an audit for the accounts covering the current financial year ending on 31st March 2018

The members of the Society agree that the Accounts for the financial year ending on 31st March 2018 and for which reports will be laid before the following AGM do not require a full audit provided that:
1. The total income for that year does not exceed the threshold laid down by Supporters Direct for audit exemption (currently £50,000)
2. An Independent Examination of those accounts is carried out in place of the full audit.
3. The Independent Examination is carried out in line with the best practice of Supporters Direct as set out in the Guidance Notes
4. A report from the Independent Examiner is included within the Accounts and circulated to members.
(Note: This resolution must be passed by 80% of the members voting in person and by proxy, and only comes into force if it is passed by that margin and the numbers voting against do not equal more than 10% of those members eligible to vote.)
The Crystal Palace Supporters’ Trust is run by a Board of Directors, elected by our membership. Our constitution has provision for the membership to elect up to 15 Directors. Anyone who was a member of the Trust, as at 1st January 2017, can stand for election to the Board. In accordance with the Society’s rules the Board will decide the number of places available. If you were not a member of the Trust at the above date you may still put yourself forward as there are a limited number of co-opted places available.
If you would like to stand for election or be considered as a co-opted Director, email us at Please include your full name, date of birth, and your contact details (address, phone number and email address). At the same time send a “manifesto” of up to 150 words, outlining your credentials and what you hope to bring to the Trust Board. We must receive your application and manifesto by midday Friday, 17th November 2017



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